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Panther Tinder Guide 1.4
Want more DATES from Tinder?DOUBLE YOUR MATCHES GUARANTEED! Do exactly what the guide saysand if you don't at least double your matches, I'll buy the guideback from you and still let you keep it.Here’s the bottom line: YOU HAVE A SPLIT-SECOND to make a goodimpression before she swipes left.That’s it.A SPLIT-SECOND and if she swipes left…game over!The problem with Tinder is that it’s mostly about that FIRSTpicture. And if you are just average looking, like me, it’s hard tocompete with the Brad Pitts out there.BUT, there is hope.When you know what she is looking for – you can easily get herto swipe right.The key is to stand out from all the other guys in a goodway.That is why we created the Panther Tinder Guide.To help you optimize your pictures, create a captivating bio,get more matches, and show you the convo strategies to get you tothe date.We created this guide based on wide-scale experimentation andextensive market research to tell you exactly what works on thewidest range of women.We tested different types of profile pictures, bios, openinglines, and date requests, and have compiled all that informationinto one solid guide.None of it was guided by opinion or theory.*You will learn:CHAPTER 1. HOW TO OPTIMIZE YOUR PICTURES FOR THE MOST MATCHES(no matter what you look like).- The BEST FIRST PICTURE and exactly what to wear in it.- The exact five photo combo to get the most matches (withexamples).- The one picture most guys have that all women HATE (removethese now).CHAPTER 2. HOW TO OPTIMIZE YOUR BIO TO “STAND OUT” (most guysdon't care what a girl's bio says, BUT GIRLS DO)- How to take your profile from boring to "Wow I have to meetthis guy."- Proven profile example bios that you can copy and paste.- Profiles that spark conversation so girls message youfirst.- Will linking your Instagram hurt you? (I'll give you theanswer).CHAPTER 3. WHAT TO MESSAGE HER TO GET THE DATE- The opening line is CRUCIAL for your success. I'll give youthe perfect opening line that can be used on any type of girl.- The openers to avoid because every guy says those.- How to build a “sense of trust” during conversation (most guysskip this step and never get the date).- Should you wait or message her immediately? (I'll tellyou).- Example conversations to get the date in the first convo.*Here are the problems most guys face:“I AM NOT GETTING MATCHES WITH THE GIRLS I WANT”We’ll give you the exact pictures that perform the best alongwith sample magnetic bios you can use that fit your personality toDOUBLE YOUR MATCHES.*“GIRLS DON’T REPLY BACK TO MY FIRST MESSAGE”Most guys say the SAME THING: "Hey what's up?", "Hi cutie :)",or "Where are you from?"Stand out! We give you an array of opening lines that guaranteea positive response, immediately create interest, and lead theconversation to the date.*“MY CONVERSATIONS GO STALE AND DIE OUT”Most guys ask questions like it’s an interview. Women HATE that.We’ll show you how to have fun and flirty conversations that getyou the date. Plus, we’ll show you a simple way to rekindle oldmatches that fizzled out.*”I CAN’T GET THE DATE”Everything taught in this guide is guiding you to the date. Mostguys don’t get dates because girls don't trust them. Your picturesand messages must get her to trust you and when you download thisguide, you’ll know exactly what to do.*Everything discussed in this guide comes with proven examples.Simply copy and paste them directly into your bio andconversations.LISTEN. Most guys on Tinder are making the same mistakes. Usethese simple strategies in the guide and you’ll get further than90% of the guys on Tinder.Get ready to start hearing a lot of "you're the first guy Iactually met on Tinder."*DOUBLE YOUR MATCHES GUARANTEED! Do exactly what the guide saysand if you don't at least double your matches, I'll buy the guideback from you and still let you keep it.